First, Black Hawk Down is a true story in Somalia. In 1993, U.S.Army's Special Operation Forces were sent in Somalia to arrest a dictator. Then, the operation ended succsessfully, but one member of team was dropped by helicopter. At the same time, Black Hawk helicopter was shot down by a missile over. That was confusing the operation. Headquarters wanted to rescue them, but there were a lot of militia in a crash site. So it became difficult to rescue them without sacrifice. But some of friendly army was going to rescue them at one's their discretion.

Second, I want to talk about Armageddon. This movie was current topics. The end of century, huge asteroid coming to the earth and if it hit to the earth, it'll be ruined everything. So Nasa's astronauts and professional team of drilling for oil are going to the asteroid and set nuclear bombs to destroy it. But there are some problems without thinking. And they lost one of the team be caused by hitting shuttle by asteroid. It is difficult to complete mission.